Working with Melted&Moved: Your Luxury Travel Advisor

After graduating with my BBA in Hospitality and Tourism and spending years working special events, traveling for work, and starting/selling my recruiting firm I decided it was time for me to combine my love of adventure and business. I started Melted&Moved as a passion project for those looking to co-create travel with lasting impact. Anyone […]

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Montana’s Luxe Dude Ranch: The Resort at Paws Up

Experience the great outdoors, without roughing it. What if I told you each tent has a butler. YES, a camping butler.  Your tent will have A/C and an en suite bathroom with a towel heater if that helps you envision the difference between accommodations at Paws Up and the pop-up in your back yard.  I’m […]

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The Naked Truth: My “Textile-Free” Spa Day

Going from a culture where the dress code was centered around complete modesty where a minimal amount of skin was allowed to show, to a dress code of bare naked takes a minute to adjust. Okay, maybe an hour. In Germany, I had the chance to embrace a spa day in a “textile-free environment.”  Entering […]

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Virginia’s Luxury Summer Camp: Primland Resort

Remember when you were a kid and waiting all summer long for that one week at your favorite camp? Well, Primland Resort offers the opportunity to enjoy camp pastimes such as archery, stargazing, and horseback riding.  But since we aren’t jumping at the chance to sleep in bunk beds anymore, think of this as a […]

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Virginia’s Luxury Spa Destination: Salamander Resort & Spa

There is no prize for being busy.  In a season where routine is out the window and work-life balance has become non-existent, we all benefit from prioritizing self-care.  I’m dreaming of the day we can return to international getaways but there are amazing wellness retreats in the states to explore. Virginia’s countryside is an ideal […]

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Virginia’s Foodie Haven: The Inn at Little Washington

In the true spirit of 2020, I am embracing destinations in my own backyard.  I’ve lived in beautiful Virginia at the beach, city, and mountains so I can truly say each piece of Virginia offers something unique to be discovered.  Something near and dear to my heart, food. As a foodie, I fully embrace a travel […]

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Discover Your Sustainable Work Style: WFH or WFA (Work-from-Anywhere)

   4.3 million people in the USA work from home at least half the time, according to Owl Labs. The pandemic has been first and foremost focused on health, but after 8 months of WFH for millions; could we be looking at an American shift in lifestyle? Millennials and Gen Z workers make up 38% […]

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Go Barefoot

The world is electrical down to each atom and everything has a positive, negative, or neutral charge. Our body builds up a positive charge throughout the day and contact with the earth is how we get back to neutral. “To ground is to pour your energies back into the earth and feel the warm calm […]

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A Day in Dublin

A Day in Dublin Sign up with your email address to download your guide instantly.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Email *NameSubmit

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4 Reasons To Use A Travel Advisor

1. Leave it to the Professionals You would think planning a trip with access to the internet would be easy, but the modern traveler is not looking for a cookie-cutter vacation. Todays travelers are interested in a unique experience, cultural immersion, and authentic exploration.   I founded Melted and Moved Travel because of my passion […]

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